Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Stadium Sleeps With The Fishes

The Hubert H. Humphrey Metrodome in Minneapoli...
The Hubert H. Humphrey Metrodome in Minneapolis, Minnesota (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
The Minnesota Legislature wants to wrap up its 2012 session before the end of April.  As usual, instead of concentrating on the needs of its constituents, our elected representatives (mostly Republican) have chosen to make statements.

Take the ongoing battle over a proposed football stadium for the Minnesota Vikings.  During a crucial hearing before the House Government Operations committee Monday night, the same arguments we have been hearing for years against the stadium kept cropping up:  If owner Zygi Wilf is so rich, why do we have to pay for his stadium and he doesn't?  Why can't we let the people vote on this, just like we did with voter ID and the marriage amendment?  Do we really need more gambling to pay for this?

After several hours of debate, the committee voted against the stadium bill 9-6.  The likelihood of getting a deal done this year is evaporating faster than time left in the fourth quarter.

Governor Mark Dayton, who has been pushing hard for the Vikings' stadium, is now saying the deal will get done during the 2013 session after the elections.  Problem is, the Vikings have been lobbying for a replacement to the Metrodome for over a decade.  They're playing there this coming season only because the roof collapsed during a snowstorm in 2010, requiring them to fulfill their lease.  And then what?  How much longer can the team wait before Wilf decides enough is enough, and sells to somebody who might move it out of town?

Another thing that's been getting attention is a bill to move the Minnesota fishing opener this year from May 12 to May 5.  It's supposed to accomplish two things:  (A) Thanks to the lack of winter around here, fish are spawning quicker than anticipated, and (B) the fishing opener usually conflicts with Mother's Day.  This might be the best time to avoid that this year.

Like other bright ideas, this one's fizzling fast in the Legislature because:  (A) Resort owners say they couldn't get ready for an early opener on short notice, (B) Fish aren't spawning as much as they were since the weather turned colder, and (C) people seem to prefer the opener right where it is.  Oh, one more thing.  There are some mothers who fish, and they occasionally land the big one.

So whether the sport is football or fishing, it seems clear that state legislators are perfectly willing to mess with two Minnesota traditions for the sake of playing their own little game of politics.  The voters have until November to decide if they played it right.
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